

Temple Sotto Luce has a variety of offerings, depending on your needs and where you are in your personal journey. Our various offerings are listed below, and sessions may be held a la carte, or customized to include the modalities of the various offerings to support you.

Each offering is designed to aid in healing and expansion, and support the integration of the pieces of the self. This work empowers us to support embodiment, healing from traumas, unlock deeper self-love and acceptance, rewire behavioral and attachment styles, tap into familial and ancestral healing, address chakra and somatic imbalances, heal relationship wounds, and discover personal purpose.

Psyche-spiritual guide work sessions are held in-person and via Zoom. Personal ceremonial journeys and group events are performed in person.

Evacheska is based in New York, and offers sessions nationwide and internationally.


Psychedelic Integration Coaching

Preparing for, and coming out of, a psychedelic medicine experience is a deep process that requires care and support. When embarking upon these experiences, we are restructuring, re-collaborating, re-convening with aspects of the self - and these aspects need to be integrated. With each experience, our very cells have experienced a shift, and it often takes our minds time to catch up to this immense structural and emotional change. Using a combination of therapeutic methodologies and shamanic practices, Evacheska holds space and offers clear guidance for those returning from, or taking part in, healing journeys, helping to navigate contractions and allowing more room and understanding to achieve full expansion.


Psycho-Spiritual Guide Work

It is a fundamental pillar of Temple Sotto Luce’s ethos that we are here to be fully-integrated human beings. This means we can integrate all the various pieces of ourselves into how we operate from day to day. Using the truth of Quantum Time Manifestation, and intuitive channeled practices, and psychological approaches, Evacheska guides clients as they delve into the spirit to uncover untapped timelines and to make the leap from reoccurring cycles to new states of being. This work is intimate and deep, often beginning with connecting to the inner child or other long-forgetten pieces of the self. Through intuitive spirit guidance and support, we are able to unlock the true purpose and importance of your self healing for a fresh beginning of body, heart, and mind.


Healing With Energetic Therapies and Frequencies

We exist at a frequency, which is why we often find we draw in the same energies again and again. Using various energetic therapies, we can work with the energetic body, the subtle body, and the higher planes to engage in healing on multi-faceted present and quantum levels. From Reiki, to sound, to Akashic work, these therapies are derived from ancient wisdom and applied to our modern-day selves to promote healing and growth.

Working with sound: We are energy, vibration, and sound, and using sound, we can shake loose old energy clusters and allow for a greater state of flow. This raises our vibration and in turn, shifts our entire reality as we begin to vibrate at this higher state of being. Using a variety of sacred sound tools, we affect these frequencies and allow for movement to release what no longer serves and welcome in a higher vibratory rate for our body and being. Evacheska incorporates this approach into her other practices, as well as in collaboration with restorative and yin yoga facilitators.

Working with energy: As we are ourselves energy, energy work can support radical positive change in how we think, feel, experience life, and move our bodies. As a certified Usui Reiki Master, Evacheska works with an array of energy modalities, including Reiki, breathwork, crystals, flower and plant essences, and chakra engagement to support movement in the physical and auric fields and emotional and physical healing from within.

Working with the Akasha: Modern science is beginning to recognize that there is something called akashic intelligence, that is, empty space has a certain intelligence. The Akashic Records are an [energetic] library of information that contain the details of your soul and its journey. Through a series of intentional approaches to create and open energetic pathways into the Akashic Records, Evacheska intentionally traverses the Akasha, to provide clients with paths to their own healing and expansion.

Somatic Attunement & Mindfulness Meditation

Somatic Attunement: It is one of the core philosophies of Sotto Luce that there is medicine in everything, and our bodies provide some of the strongest medicine on our healing path There is a wisdom held in our bodies, and we can learn to speak the language of the body by learning its unique communication style. Through visualization exercises, and somatic attunement (the art of becoming aware and responsive to the subtleties of the body), we can release unnecessary stored energy, whether it be from a bad day or from a traumatic life event, and learn how to use our body as one of our greatest tools in our own healing and expansion. Once this connection with the body has been developed, we can then create the space within ourselves to call new energy into our fields, and harness the power of our spirits within our bodies - thus becoming stronger, more grounded, and with greater capacity to love ourselves and others.

Mindfulness Meditation: Dive deep into the soul to unearth self-limiting beliefs through guided work which allows for the peace and silence necessary to access hidden blockages and outdated constructs which hold us back from truly flourishing in this lifetime. Many times, these blockages have been carried by a bloodline for generations. Together we can finally release these energies and return to our original state of being: trust, serenity, and a joy for the experience of living.

Personalized Counseling and Guidance Containers

Delve more deeply into the self, the psyche, the spirit with a 12-week, transformative experience. This personalized program, designed specifically for your individual needs, combines all the above tools and more.


Information regarding exchange for services is available upon request. A portion of the exchange received helps us work toward extending our services to those with less resources so that they too many have access to our offerings. 

Temple Sotto Luce is a lovingly inclusive organization - all identities, affiliations, demographics, and backgrounds are welcome.

Not sure which offering to choose?

Book a complimentary discovery call to discover which offering is most in alignment with your intention.